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About Elena

When I first visited Josh’s Hope, I was reluctant to attend because  I had lost all motivation after leaving my previous job. I initially had a bad attitude, but Steve and Tripp’s patience and understanding  made all the difference in the world to me. They introduced me to options at Josh’s Hope that really caught my interest, like caring for the chickens and the bees.


The first day I came to job-shadow to see if I liked the program, I got to work with the bees and fell in love. Beekeeping has become my new obsession.During the cold months I started to make products the feeling of fulfillment when someone likes something I made enough to spend money on it!


Learning new skills and working at Josh’s Hope has given me a new sense of peace and contentment that I didn’t experience before coming here. I actually earn money when you purchase a product made by me, and your purchases also help other clients and Josh’s Hope.


Thank you for your support! 

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